Plays For Today: March Madness was a 24-hour theatrical experience hosted virtually this March by One Egg No Batter Productions. All three of the works were conceived, written, produced, and performed with in a 24 hour period.
After a successful first event, I was officially brought on to the team as the Festival Stage Manager for this second event. Primarily responsible for overseeing all three groups throughout the day I took on various role. Many were traditional, such as schedule oversight, data management, conducting technical rehearsals, and troubleshooting, but others were slightly 'non-traditional.' For example, I found various sound effects + musical tracks, designed digital content, and ran subtitle support.
I absolutely love working on these types of fresh, fast-paced, and upbeat projects. It is the epitome of cultivating creative spaces - giving the creative process the space to through through management and coordination.
You can view the program, including all credits, here!
*Content shared with permission from One Egg No Batter